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What's Happening?

Don't Miss Our Coming Events:

Most of what you'll find here will be OSLC's Annual Events. Check our Calendar for other events. 


Annual BBQ

At least once a year in the summer Our Saviours hosts a BBQ buffet. Two of our members brings a grill to cook burgers, hot dogs, and any other meat that folks bring. All are welcome to join us.

11:00 AM -

1:00 PM

2200 Coburg Rd,

Eugene, OR 97401

Spring Clean-Up

In early spring time we gather together with the Spanish congregation at OSLC on a Saturday to spruce up the in's and out's of the church building and it's gardens. Everyone is welcome to help, you know what they say: Many Hands Make Light Work!

9:00 AM -

1:00 PM

2200 Coburg Rd,

Eugene, OR 97401


Christmas Decorating

In early December we begin the advent season by decorating the sanctuary and entry way for Christmas. There is plenty to do so any help is welcomed. Special refreshments are also provided!

9:00 AM -

12:00 PM

2200 Coburg Rd,

Eugene, OR 97401

More Events To Watch For:
Lent Soup Suppers
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Breakfast and Service
Ethiopian Buffet

During the Lent season every Wednesday evening a soup supper is held followed by evening prayers. Church Council members are tasked with providing soup.

For Easter Sunday the Church Council prepares a simple buffet style breakfast for everyone to come and enjoy. And after service a Easter egg hunt is held for all of the youngsters.

Every year OSLC hosts an Ethiopian Buffet at the Sons of Norway Lodge.



Our Saviour's
Lutheran Church



2200 Coburg Rd

Eugene, OR 97401


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